Field of Cabbage... Coral

Colonies of cabbage coral (Turbinaria reniformis) sometimes forms tiers which offer good hiding place for school of fish like these soldierfish. The red fish are big-scale soldierfish (Myripristis berndti) and the whitish fish are shadowfin soldierfish (Myripristis adusta). A large field of cabbage coral colonies like this image taken in the South Pacific is rarely seen anywhere else in the world.

Flying over Coral Garden

In the warm and clear waters of the South Pacific, you can fly over the colorful coral garden made up of layers of table coral, finger coral, antler coral, etc. It is an amazing sight.

Quiet Beauty

Sometimes we need to stop and appreciate the beauty of a quiet scene like this: a broken pier silhouetted against the background of the vast ocean.

United Nemos!

All for one and one for all! The three musketeers unite to protect their home against a giantess. Anemonefish are very territorial and they protect their sea anemone homes by aggresively chasing away anything that gets too close.

Underwater Forest

Looking up at the surface from underneath the jetty in a village in Raja Ampat, Indonesia. With the sunlight shining through the timber piles, it felt like I was in a forest.