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12/28-31 2021 Colorado River Camping & Diving Trip

December 28,2021

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abalone Acanthodoris lutea Acanthodoris nanaimoensis Aeolidia papillosa african queen aggregate of fish aggregating anemone alabaster nudibranch anacapa island andy angel shark anthias Anthopleura elegantissima Austraeolis stearnsi australia avenger plane wreck barracuda basket sea star bat ray bat star beach diving begg rock berthella californica big sur black and yellow rockfish black sea bass black sea hare blackeye goby blacksmith blue banded goby blue footed booby blue ring topsnail blue rockfish blue topsnail bonaire boring clam brittle star brown pelican bryozoans bubble rings bubble snail bull kelp butterfly fish c-o sole cabbage coral cabezon Cadlina limbaughorum cadlina luteomarginata calico bass California golden gorgonian california phoronid california sea hare California sea lion california sidegill california spiny lobster calypso orchid catalina island chestnut cowry chiton christmas tree worm clown dorid clownfish club tip anemone cockerells dorid cocos coffee bean cowry conan coral reef coraline algae cormorant cortes bank crescent gunnel crevice kelpfish cup coral darwins arch dead mans fingers decorated warbonnet Dendrodoris behrensi dendronotus albus Dendronotus dalli diamondback nudibranch Diane Dirona albolineata diver chain dolphin Doris montereyensis Doris odhneri eagle rock egypt Eisenia arborea encrusting sponge explorer farnsworth bank feather boa kelp feather duster worm feather star felimare californiensis felimare porterae Felimida macfarlandi Fiji finger coral Flabellionopsis iodinea flying fish fragile star freediving fried egg jelly fried egg jellyfish frigate bird fringehead frogfish gabriel garibaldi Geitodoris heathi giant acorn barnacle giant kelp giant kelpfish giant pacific octopus giant stride gooseneck barnacle gopher rockfish gopro Grand Central Station green abalone ground cone grunt sculpin gull island halibut harbor seal haruka heaths dorid hermissenda Hermissenda crassicornis hermissenda opalescens hiltons aeolid hooded nudibranch Hopkins rose hopkins rose hornshark hornshark egg idas miter iguana Irish lord island kelpfish Janolus barbarensis jellyfish kellets whelk kellets whelk eggs kelp bass kelp canopy kelp crab kelp forest kelp holdfast kelp rock fish keyhole limpet leafy hornmouth leather star lemon dorid leopard dorid leopard shark lightbulb tunicate Limacia cockerelli limbaughs cadlina limpet lingcod lobster luis MacFarlands chromodorid macfarlands chromodorid McDonalds Dorid megumi Melibe leonina Metridium giganteum Metridium senile mexico mola mola Moorish Idol moray eel mosshead warbonnet mussels Navanax inermis noble dorid norbert norris top snail northern ronquil nudibranch nudibranch eggs ochre sea star octopus oil rigs Okenia rosacea onespot fringehead orange cup coral orange peel nudibranch orange puffball orangethroat pikeblenny pacific rock crab Painted Cave painted greenling palau palm kelp Panama paper nautilus papua new guinea peace pelican reserve Peltodoris mullineri perch Phidiana hiltoni photo by andy photo by megumi porters chromodorid puffer fish Puget Sound King Crab purple hydrocoral pyrosome raja ampat indonesia red gorgonian Red Irish Lord reef shark rick rock scallop rocky reef rose star sail by the wind jellyfish sailfin sculpin salp san clemente island san diego dorid san miguel island san nicolas island sand dollars sand rose anemone santa barbara island Santa Barbara nudibranch santa cruz island santa rosa island sarcastic fringehead sargassum school of fish scorpion fish Scythe Butterfly fish scythe butterflyfish sea anemone sea cucumber sea fan sea hare eggs sea pen sea star sea turtle sea urchin senorita serpulid worm shag carpet nudibranch sheep crab sheephead shipwreck shrimp Silfra simnia skeleton shrimp soft coral solitary green anemone Soo spanish shawl sponge squid eggs staghorn coral sting ray strawberry anemone striped shore crab sumi surf grass surfperch swell shark swell shark eggs swimming scallop tanner bank thai thomas three lined aeolid tidepool tidepool sculpin tidepool striped shore crab Tochuina gigantea treefish Triopha catalinae Tritonia festiva Tritonia festiva eggs tube dwelling anemone tube worms tuna crab vermilion rockfish west end whale whelk white plumed anemone white sea urchin wolf eel yallowtail yellow edged cadlina yellow spotted cadlina yellow umbrella snail yellow zoanthids yellowfin fringehead yellowtail yucatan zebra goby

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